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The LivMundi Journeys are based on live learning methodologies where we combine technologies that facilitate the creation of digital and face-to-face communities, in which the participant is an agent and co-author in his own journey. In this context, the participant’s territory of belonging becomes the connecting link of this community and of the knowledge stimulated there to drive individual and collective transformations.
During the pandemic, over a two-month 100% digital journey, together with more than 140 students and seven public school teachers, we seek to stimulate the look of spatiality that unites everyone around Lagoa de Araruama. It’s one of the richest ecosystems in the state of Rio de Janeiro, but holds relevant socio-environmental challenges.
We´ve worked over their perceptions about this territory through a virtual community, based on issues related to ecology and geography, dealing with physical, biological, socioeconomic and cultural dimensions.
In addition to the impact on students, teachers developed new skills to conduct their own learning journeys in a more creative, participatory and integrated way to the challenges of the community and territory.
Through a national public call, we selected seven young people, Beatriz Carneiro, Estefane Galvão, Flora Rodrigues, Hyally Carvalho, Kimberly Silva, Marina Guião and Tayna Silva, from five Brazilian states, to participate in a journey of learning, curatorship and co-creation of the Festival LivMundi 2022.
In four months, the young women were involved in face-to-face and virtual activities using tools that enabled the integration of diverse contents and knowledge to develop socio-environmental leadership skills, strategy, operation and communication of cultural events and collaborative work.
As a result, they conceived the central themes, more than 130 activities, with more than 60 hours of content and more than 170 participants in the virtual and face-to-face formats of the LivMundi Festival in 2022, which attracted more than 15 thousand people.
How to create civic learning experiences that combine critical thinking and imagination? What is the role and limits of design in this mission? What interventions can be co-created in the territory by young people to solve challenges they recognize? These questions guided the Civic Journey, which sought to think about the role of the “good citizen” as someone who acts for the individual and collective well-being of his community, from the territory and from a socio-environmental lens.
The Journey took place in the community of Rocinha in Rio de Janeiro, with nine young people aged 13 to 15, residents of the place, who participated in individual and collective meetings and used playful participatory tools and games.
Using design thinking and alternating individual and group reflections as a guiding principle, the young people developed a critical view of the territory and awareness about the strength of the community. They recognized not only the problems, but the collective possibilities of solutions based on the potentialities of the place.
Desenvolvido por Outlab.